Our E-Book

How our comprehensive e-book can help you!

Our Know Your Rights e-book, entitled "The essential, step-by-step manual for understanding and exercising your rights." has been successfully used by Aussies all around the country for over 10 years now and this is your opportunity to grab your own copy of this truly life-changing book.

Watch the short video below to see how our e-book can help you.

We have distilled down a combined 50+ years of knowledge and experience, into a comprehensive, step-by-step e-book that will systematically teach you about your rights in relation to the following topics, and, more importantly, give you simple strategies that you can implement to stand up and fight for those rights:




Law v Legal

The Strawman concept

Local Government/Rates

The Commonwealth Constitution

Financial freedom and protection

Mandatory vaccinations and much more

Not only does our comprehensive 87 page e-book cover all of these important topics, but we also provide you with around 80 links to other websites, videos and documents that you can refer to, in order to further your research and understanding of these concepts.

We also give you links to around 40 extremely powerful court cases that you can download and refer to as well. All of this is provided on the References CD that accompanies all of our professionally printed and bound hard copy books and, not only does that CD contain the links from the book itself, it also includes copies of all the documents as well, so you can cut and paste them to suit your own individual circumstances.

Please keep in mind, you're not just "buying information" when you order our e-book - after all, there's plenty of free information all over the internet. Instead, you're purchasing a system of tried, tested and proven strategies where all the free - and expensive - information that's 'out there' has been distilled down into simple-to-follow steps that make it a breeze for anyone getting started down the path of learning about their rights, and is a God-send to those who have spent years trying to research this information for themselves and struggling to sort out the truth from all the lies, misleading information and strategies that simply don't work.

And, as if all of that wasn't enough, when you become an e-book Member, you also get access to our special Members Only forum, where you get to ask questions, post suggestions or start discussions on the important topics that we cover.

By implementing the powerful information contained in this simple-to-follow manual, you could potentially save thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of a lifetime. Our E-Book Memberships come with a full 30 day, money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose, and all your rights to gain, by ordering your copy now!

We now have both Hard Copy and Digital versions of our powerful e-book available.

You can join up as a Hard Copy Book Member and get a professionally printed and bound copy of our hard copy book, by completing the Membership sign-up process below. This version includes a copy of all of the links, videos and documents referred to throughout the e-book on an accompanying References CD. Please make sure you click the option box, on the checkout form, to "create an account" to ensure you get immediate access to our forum as well.








$87.00Add to cart


Or, you can join up as a Digital E-Book Member (select E-Book Membership on the page that comes up or just click the link below) and read our eye-opening e-book on-line off a PC, tablet or smartphone. Please note that you can't copy and paste from this version but all the links will work. We do always recommend our Hard Copy versions though, which contains all the links, videos and documents referred to throughout the e-book on an accompanying References CD).







We have been inundated with requests for a link whereby people can buy all 3 physical books that we refer to all the time - our Know Your Rights book, the Aussie Speeding Fines book and the Bank Secrets Revealed book.

As we are all separate groups, there has previously been no simple way to do that but we have now done a deal with those groups and, by clicking the link below, you can order all 3 books at once and save 10% by having them all packaged up at the same time, and only requiring one lot of postage through our order fulfillment centre. Please note that a single amount of $14.95 for P&H via Express Post will be added upon checkout.








$261.00Add to cart



We have also done a very special deal where you can get all 3 books, plus the Data CDs, the audiobook CDs and the Seminar DVDs that each group has as well, at almost $100 off  what it would cost to purchase them all individually! Please read the full product description here if that is of interest to you.









$397.00Add to cart


We have been asked for a full copy of every single physical product that we have plus every physical product from Aussie Speeding Fines and Bank Secrets Revealed so we have now created our brand new Ultimate Platinum Combo pack that gives you an incredible $330 off  what it would cost to purchase them all individually! Please read the full product description here if that is of interest to you.









$647.00Add to cart


All combo book packs also come with one of our brand new Know Your Rights tote bags as a special free bonus!


Please note, if you have already ordered our book and want to add the Aussie Speeding Fines and Bank Secrets Revealed books, you will need to order them separately from their respective websites - http://www.aussiespeedingfines.com/pages/Hard-Copy.html and https://banksecretsrevealed.com.au/hard-copy-book/ - there is no 'upgrade' available for this special offer because it only saves on postage, which is not possible if the KYR book has already been posted to you.





Please be sure to watch the clarification video below which explains exactly what information is covered in each of the 3 different books.



And here's what some of our current Members have said after completing a review of our Know Your Rights book - "The essential step-by-step manual for understanding and exercising your rights":


Information packed - could not put it down until I had read it cover to cover.

Very good explanations of "The Banking Fraud", "The Strawman" and the relevance and application of "The Commonwealth Constitution" as well as examples of some of the simpler arguments one can make when fighting illegal and unjust fines in the courts.

I would recommend buying and studying this e-book before attending one of the basic seminars so that you are up to speed and pre-briefed on the main topics the seminars will be covering in more detail.




This is GOLD!

If only everyone could read and act on the material in this book.

For years I have just “taken it”. I’m sick of just paying stupid money for little in discrepancies that I have just accepted.  Im not even sure the accusations are accurate anymore! I have driven for nearly 40 years and never had an accident nor caused an accident, no drunk or drug driving, nothing stupid. Yet I still get the odd fine for allegedly being 5 or 10 kph over.

Over a million “kays" under my belt and not a single victim.(Yet I am sure these private companies have extorted thousands of dollars over the years) Don’t even get me started on eTag fines.

This book certainly helped me understand where I stand and what I SHOULD do about it.

Along with the ASF book, the Know Your Rights E-Book will certainly will be a foundation for defending myself.

Thank you. Great Stuff.



Hi Know your rights group, 

We have read over you E Book and must say that at the start when reading it felt like sitting on one of you seminars, reading the book, "Speeding Fines -What you really need to know" and sitting in on a CLRA meeting.

Out of the whole E book you have given a lot of links to the subjects you're talking about as the book go's on and saying that it is about study, researching and understanding what you read. We think that's great because one needs to see a starting point relative to what one is learning. For my-self  when One first started, found it hard without ask other people where to start.

Overall, the whole book is very good.



Hi Guys,

I'm still going through the e-book and so far it's very impressive!!! I have to say it is very clear in explaining the concepts and to be honest I don't know how to give any suggestions of how to improve it. It's a really well written document and I'm really enjoying the read!



Hi guys,

I wrote to you a while back in regards to an alleged Centrelink debt for $3,915 plus interest! As you may recall, after reading your book and doing your seminars, I sent them a letter based around the Further and Better Particulars letter from the Banks Secrets Revealed but to no avail. Then had it escalated to a review and no success either.

I then used your PPR letter format, which I had sent to the Centrelink in QLD as they issued the Bill for payment, another one DHS in Canberra and another to the Commonwealth Ombudsman.

Yesterday I received a letter from Centrelink with an amendment for the period they were trying to recover from me. I've included a copy for your information but you'll see that the debt has now been reduced down to just $282!

I'm indebted to you guys for your knowledge and support.

