KYR, ASF & BSR Hard Copy Platinum Ultimate combo pack


This is the full Know Your Rights Platinum pack, the Aussie Speeding Fines book and the Bank Secrets Revealed book and ALL the References CDs, audiobook CDs and seminar DVDs and all the associated Platinum pack CDs and DVDs.


This Ultimate Platinum combination pack includes every physical product (except out new Home Study Course and some of the latest products we've just released) from all 3 groups, which, if purchased individually, would cost over $1,000 and includes all of the following:


The full Know Your Rights hard copy Platinum pack - - which includes every single physical product (except out new Home Study Course and some of the latest products we've just released) that we have.

Our Ultimate Platinum Combo Packs include:

  • A Hard Copy version of our e-book, "The essential step-by-step manual for understanding and exercising your rights."
  • The References CD that has all the letters, court cases and videos referred to throughout the book
  • The audiobook CD version of our e-book
  • Our 4 x live seminar DVD pack
  • Our 12 x Radio Show Podcast CD pack
  • The Annotated Quick and Garran Constitution & George S Knowles Constitution CD Twin Pack 
  • Our comprehensive Law Dictionaries DVD
  • Our Triple Research CD pack
  • Our Basic, Intermediate and Advanced “Understanding trusts” CD pack
  • Our new Freedom of Information CD
  • Our Inspirational Video CD
  • Access to our Member’s Only forum


The Hard Copy of the Aussie Speeding Fines book - "Speeding Fines What You REALLY Need to Know!"

The Resources CD that contains all of the pre-written letters used to challenge all unjust and unlawful fines.

The 2 x audiobook CDs which are perfect for those who like to hear things to learn

The Seminar DVD of their information which is perfect for people who like to watch things to learn


The Hard Copy of the Bank Secrets Revealed book – “The truth about banks and how to beat them!”

The Documents CD that contains all of the letters to send to the bans and debt collectors, as well as many other websites, videos etc. referred to in their book.

The 3 x audiobook CDs which are perfect for those who like to hear things to learn

The Seminar DVD of their information which is perfect for people who like to watch things to learn


Please note that a single amount of $14.95 for P&H via Express Post will be added upon checkout - which is actually less than it actually costs us to post everything!


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